Sean Bergin, Developer of OneTrack for iOS - AirTurn TV #18
OneTrack is a mature iOS app for anyone who needs a simple and reliable way to play backing tracks on their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Using your iTunes Library as a starting point, OneTrack allows you to create and clone playlists, tweak start and end points of each track, adjust volume levels, have visual count-ins and much more. It is used by musicians, clowns, magicians, choreographers, sound engineers and anyone else who needs full control over their backing music in front of audiences of all sizes.

Seán Bergin had his first exposure to computers when working as a corporate video producer for a large multinational in the early eighties. As part of his editing suite he inherited an Apple II+ computer, an Apple Graphics Tablet, a VGP64 Vector Graphics Processor and absolutely NO software. While his very understanding girlfriend (now his very understanding wife) studied for her exams, Seán taught himself to program. Over the next few years Seán developed a variety of graphics utilities to help with titling and effects for the sales and marketing videos he was producing. Eventually, in 1985, with the help of a few other key personnel, he and his wife set up PISA Graphics to assemble and sell turnkey graphics systems for video titling and effects, slide production and various other areas. Systems were sold to many universities in the U.K. as well as to divisions of the British Government and many other institutions both large and small. Seán went on from developing P.I.S.A (Presenter’s Interactive Slide Album) to developing StudioCraft for early colour Macintosh computers (the SE/30 and the IIfx). A number of business trips were made by Seán and his associates to the ‘States in the late eighties and meetings with Steve Jobs at Apple, Bill Gates at Microsoft and numerous other luminaries eventually led to a deal being struck for distributorship in the U.S. in 1990... at which point Seán gave up programming, bought a sizeable chunk of bog and rock in the south west of Ireland, and started planting trees. In the following two decades, Seán released five albums of his music, worked as a sound engineer in theatre and at live events, built an oak timber-framed barn with hand tools, raised horses, chickens, ducks and children and eventually, at the age of fifty, decided he’d like to get back to his roots and maybe help out some of his musician friends along the way. Three years have passed and OneTrack is now used worldwide by musicians, magicians, choreographers, sound engineers and many more in its role as the smoothest, most reliable backing tracks player available. Last year support was added for the AirTurn Bluetooth Pedals and they have proved enormously popular especially with gigging musicians. Seán is working hard on an iPad version of OneTrack whilst continuing to enhance and polish OneTrack on the iPhone.