Matt Haimovitz, Uccello, Angel Heart, and AirTurn - Episode 3
In this episode, we're thrilled to feature celebrity cellist Matt Haimovitz, who will be performing with Uccello, his all-cello ensemble, and a host of other wonderful musicians and narrator Chris Noth in a performance of "Angel Heart, A Music Storybook" at Carnegie Hall on Monday, October 21, 2013 7:00 pm. Matt and Uccello will be using iPads to read their music and AirTurns to turn pages hands-free in performance.

Host: Hugh Sung
Scheduled Air Date: Saturday, October 19, 8 pm EST/7 pm CST/6 pm MST/5 pm PST
Special Guest: Matt Haimovitz and the Uccello Ensemble

This episode will feature pre-recorded video footage of the Uccello Ensemble in rehearsal and an interview with Matt Haimovitz
Show Notes
- The video player should appear on this page by Saturday, Oct. 12, 8 pm EST. If for some reason you don't see the player, try refreshing or restarting your web browser, or clear the cookies from your browser's cache and then refreshing this page. Once you see the player, press the "play" button at any time to see the video feed.
- Click here for tickets and information on the Oct. 21 7 pm Carnegie Hall performance of "Angel Heart, A Music Storybook"
- Visit the official website for "Angel Heart, A Music Storybook"
- Purchase "Angel Heart, A Music Storybook" on iTunes or Amazon
- Click here for a chance to win a free copy of "From Paper to Pixels: Your Guide to the Digital Sheet Music Revolution" by "liking" our Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/AirTurn)