Going Digital...from paper to pixels.

Digital sheet music has many advantages over paper – easy navigation of setlists, clean annotation, transposition with the touch of a finger, and so much more! Plus, storing your music on a tablet means traveling between home, practices, and gigs with your entire catalog!
Going digital means:
- Hands free control
- Less weight to carry
- Greater efficiency
- Reduced distractions
- Enhanced performance
You can get your digital music in several ways: convert your paper, purchase the rights online, or download free open source. Most music apps support PDF or TXT file formats and will support easy import of your new files.
To convert your paper, you can simply scan your pages and save them in order as PDF or TXT files. This method offers the advantage of using your preferred file naming convention. There are also companies that will do this for you and recycle the paper for a reasonable fee. We recommend http://1dollarscan.com/.
Paid Sites Purchasing rights online is easy and there are many reputable sites. Find the music you want, pay a nominal fee, and download your file. Some of our favorites are: |
Free Sites There are a numerous websites providing free and public domain music scores and guitar tabs. Here are a few suggestions:
For an extensive list of paid and free sites, visit our resource page which includes even more excellent sources for modern, classical, choral, band, worship, and more.
Keep your hands on your instrument while you turn pages, navigate setlists, and more with AirTurn Bluetooth Pedals.
Contact us at support@airturn.com with any questions about your next step!